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The OCAIRS Assessment

  • 52 Steps


This self directed online course looks at the MOHO based assessment the Occupational Assessment Interview and Rating Scale. Those completing the course will: +Develop a general overview of the origin of the OCAIRS. +Identify when and how the OCAIRS can be used, including the target population and how to select instruments for the assessment. +How to use MOHO theory to understand the person's situation. +How to set up and conduct the interview. +Have good knowledge of the three different questionnaires, the differences in content and which populations they serve. +How to rate the interview. +How to analyse the OCAIRS and utilise the information garnered to develop an intervention plan through the use of a case study. Please note that participants planning to use the OCAIRS in clinical practice are required to purchase the manual from MOHO Clearinghouse.

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The OCAIRS Assessment

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